Important Dates
June 15 - October 12, 2014, Minisymposia proposal submissions [EXTENDED]
November 7, 2014-February 28, 2015, Abstract submissions [EXTENDED]
December 22, 2014-March 31, 2015, Student poster submissions [CHANGE]
December 15, 2014-February 28, 2015, Short Course applications accepted
April 8, 2015, Notification of final abstract acceptance/rejection
February 1 - March 31, 2015, Travel award applications accepted
March 15 - May 15, 2015, Early registration
April 30, 2015, Travel awards announced [CHANGE]
May 16, 2015-July 8, 2015, Regular registration period. Registration needs to be finalized and fees paid by July 8th in order for the abstract to be included in the conference program.
After July 10, 2015, Late/onsite registration only [EXTENDED]
July 26-30, 2015, Congress dates