USNCCM13 Travel Award Information and Application
Depending on availability of funds, we expect to award a limited number of travel awards to graduate/undergraduate students and post-doctoral fellows. In order to be eligible to receive a travel award, the applicant must either present a poster in the Student Poster Competition or make an oral presentation in a minisymposium related to their field of study. Only full time graduate/undergraduate students currently studying at a U.S. university or post-doctoral fellows employed at a U.S. university are eligible to apply. Please note that post-doctoral fellows who have received their Ph.D. degree more than three years ago will not be considered.
We anticipate the awards to be for $500 each.
To apply, complete the online application below. The deadline to submit your application is March 31, 2015. Announcements regarding the awards will be made by April 15, 2015. The awardees will be chosen by the organizing committee from the pool of applicants.