Minisymposium Organizers' Page

April 20, 2015

NOTE:  Detailed information on ordering talks in each Minisyposium will be emailed to the MS Organizers this week.  Thank you for your patience.


Please see below for the latest instructions to MS Organizers, emailed on February 3, 2015.


TO:  USNCCM 13 MS Organizers

The February 15 deadline for abstract submissions is approaching fast. Please remind your invited speakers about this deadline.  They should submit their abstracts online by going to:

If you wish to view the abstracts submitted to your MS, go to, login, and then click on the "Organization" tab at the top.  Note that ONLY the corresponding MS organizer is currently able to view the abstracts.  If a co-organizer wishes to view, send Ruth Hengst ( or Cynthia Steiner ( and email requesting access.

If you do not have an account on, then create an account and send your username, and the number and name of your minisymposium to Ruth Hengst at  You will be notified when you have been authorized to view your minisymposium.

After February 15, MS Organizers will be able to review and enter a decision on each abstract.  We request that you DO NOT correspond with the authors regarding your decision as an official notification will be sent separately from the USNCCM13 Organizers.